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Goals of the 2nd Summit

  • Explore lessons of the global financial crisis for reconstituting the interface between capital and non-financial corporations
  • Develop strategies for squeezing speculation out of financial markets to align them with needs of a stakeholder-controlled, real economy focused on long-term wealth creation
  • Deepen and expand a global network committed to a transformation of capital markets and corporations that serve the public interest

June 9, Tuesday

  • 7:45 Breakfast
  • 8:30 Welcome
    Allen L. White, Director, Corporation 20/20
  • 8:45 Keynote: A Global Perspective on Restoring the Primacy of the Real Economy
    A global perspective on the financialization of the economy and the imperative to restore the primacy of a needs-oriented goods and services organizations committed to long-term wealth creation

    Robert Johnson, Member UN (Stiglitz) Commission of Experts, Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System; Former Chief Economist of the US Senate Banking Committee; former Senior Economist of the US Senate Budget Committee; former managing Director, Soros Fund Management
  • 9:30 Panel 1: Principles for the 21st century economic and financial system
    The economic crisis has exposed the frailties of global capitalism. What principles should underlie a transformation of the current system to one aligned with a just and sustainable economy?

    Moderator: Aron Cramer, CEO, Business for Social Responsibility

    Peter Blom, CEO and Chair, Triodos Bank, Netherlands

    Robert Johnson, UN Commission of Global Financial Reform

    Steve Lydenberg, Chief Investment Officer, Domini.

    Raj Thamotheram, Head, Responsible Investment, AXA Investments; Network for Sustainable Financial Markets
  • 10:45 Break
  • 11:15 Panel 2: Capital and corporations: scaling up social finance
    Creating new infrastructures—e.g., organizational, legal, ratings, stock exchanges—to vastly expand the flow of capital to socially-purposeful corporations

    Moderator: Tim Smith, Senior Vice President, Walden Asset Management

    Ben Bingham, Benchmark Asset Managers

    Leslie Christian, President, Portfolio 21 Investments, Inc.

    Mark Goyder, Founder Director, Tomorrow’s Company, UK

    Andrew Kassoy, Co-founder, B Corporation
  • 12:45 Lunch
  • 1:45 Café-style breakouts
    With charge to develop initial action agenda and policy recommendations. Multiple clusters address same topic + spontaneous groups to cover other topics
    • Rebuilding global finance
    • Is “too big to fail” also “too big to exist”?
    • A new Wall St: — the emergence of social capital markets
    • Next generation sustainability ratings
  • 4:15 Reports from breakouts
  • 5:00 Summary of Day 1
  • 6:00 Reception

June 10, Wednesday

  • 7:45 Breakfast
  • 8:30 Reflections on Day 1
  • 9:00 Panel 3: Beyond the crisis: foundations for a new regulatory regime to foster long-term wealth creation
    What are the pivotal issues and opportunities, for reshaping law and regulation to align business practices with long-term wealth?

    Moderator: Judith Samuelson, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Business and Society Program

    Susan Mac Cormac, Partner Morrison & Foerster

    Richard Rosen, Senior Fellow, Tellus Institute

    Damon Silvers, Associate General Counsel AFL-CIO; Member, Congressional Oversight Committee on TARP

    Rob Weissman, Director, Essential Action

  • 10:30 Break
  • 11:00 Panel 4: Building sustainability from within: harnessing capital to drive long-term horizons
    Strategies for governance, policies and management to neutralize short-term pressures and achieve alignment with long-term wealth creation

    Moderator: Peter Senge, Society for Organizational Learning and MIT

    Jeffrey Hollender, CEO, Seventh Generation

    Wayne Johnson, former VP University Relations, Hewlett-Packard

    Roger Saillant, former VP, Energy Transformation Systems Group, Ford Motor Co. and CEO, Plug Power
  • 12:40 Lunch
  • 1:30 Café-style breakouts
    With charge to develop initial action agenda and policy recommendations. Multiple clusters addressing same topic + spontaneous groups to cover other topics:
    • What is a “fair” return to capital?
    • Should government elevate its role in guiding investment practices
    • State innovations in reshaping corporate law
    • Rethinking fiduciary duty
    • Learning sustainability in corporations
  • 3:30 Next steps
  • 4:00 Adjourn

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